Laser Scarecrow Chases Away Pesky Birds
Carpe Diem Technologies has introduced a new laser light system for chasing birds away from crops. Tony Bhullar of the company says the laser system is more effective and certainly less noisy than propane-powered cannons or “birds in distress” electronic noise makers. With those methods, birds can become used to the noise.
  Bhullar says the laser system, which mounts on a 15-ft. tall mast, has 2 lasers that are adjustable to any direction. It can also be adjusted for leveling up or down. The unit deters birds with a laser pattern that repeats at different speeds on a horizontal and vertical plane. The operator using the device can create his own pattern and speed to deal with the bird problem.
  The P-3 Anti-Avian System is powered by 2 gel pack batteries in a control box. During daylight hours it’s recharged by a solar panel. The P-3 can be set to turn itself on at dawn and off at dusk so as not to be a nuisance to neighbors.
   Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tony Bhullar, Carpe Diem Technologies (ph 604 325-5994;

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #1